Jordan's Page of Useless Babble

Chapter 1: On the Wings of an Eagle

Here opens one of many stories of a war of secrecy, fought for freedom. The Achaean League prepared for war with Rome, but knew before a single sword had been pulled, or march had begun that the battle had been lost.

    With superior tactics and numbers, the Roman armies would certainly crush Greece beneath their feet. Their only hope lay in the secrets of the past, long buried and nearly forgotten except by a select few. Treasures, enough perhaps, to turn the tides of the battle and defeat Rome.

    And so it was that the General Damocritus recruited four soldiers from the League armies to travel in secrecy and to seek out these relics. Eonus of Athens, a priest of Apollo, skilled in bow and magic. Kratos of Sparta, warrior and gladiator, dangerous as he is intimidating. Roginous of Carthage, infiltrator and saboteur. Sirius of Crete, a mercenary recently hired. These would be the heroes who could bring the key to victory.

    Damocritus showed the heroes to the great historian Polybius who told them the legend of the Labyrinth and of the inventor Daedelus. To escape imprisonment, Daedelus and his son Icarus flew from Crete on wings of wax and feathers, but Icarus flew too close to the sun and his wings melted and he fell to the embrace of the sea. Daedelus, heartbroken at his son's demise, flew north to Sicily, where he offered his wings to the god Apollo. The wings may be gone, but Polybius believed that the plans still existed in the ruins of the Labyrinth.

    And so the heroes travelled south towards Argos. On the road, they came upon a beggar-man who beseeched them for coin. Happily giving charity to the man, they were surprised when he called for bandits to attack and rob them. The heroes readily dispatched the false beggar and the bandits and continued south.

    Once they reached the city of Argos, they found a merchant ship that was sailing south to the city of Mallia on Crete. The voyage was short and pleasant, giving all the luxury of rest and relaxation in the warm springtime sunshine.

    From Mallia, they found a shepherd who lead them west to the ruins of old Knossos, once the throne of Crete and home of the legendary King Minos as well as the vast, underground Labyrinth.

    After discovering a secret entrance into a section of the ruins, they descended into the dark, where they were almost immediately beset upon by the living corpses of apes brought long ago from darkest Africa. Having no weapon on hand to crush the bones of the skeletons, Kratos hefted a large stone as his weapon and Sirius threw one into the ground.

    They encountered more horrors in the dark, the shambling corpses of long dead adolescents, sent as offerings to the minotaur, as well as bats, bugs and rats grown large and fat in the caves. The heroes blades grew slick with the blood of these abominable creatures and Eonus's arrows pierced not a few hearts.

    Roginous and Sirius stumbled upon a trap door system left by Daedelus that allowed them swifter travel through the passages, but fear of the dark, closed spaces eventually started to gnaw on Sirius's mind and he fled in horror, disappearing.

    In one room, Kratos was nearly killed by a minotaur, surely not the legendary one, once killed by Theseus, but most likely a lesser spawn. Eonus and Rogerius were able to beat it to death and supplications to Apollo soon eased Kratos' pains.

    It was to their great surprise when Kratos again was blind-sided by another minotaur, but the battle was swift and the heroes emerged victorious recovering a magical axe and a strange, featureless tablet of wax.

    When leaving the Labyrinth, the heroes found a spider's lair and decided to kill the creatures for sport and were much surprised to find Sirius inside it's web. They cut him free and together the party left the dark underground and set forth for Corinth again.

    Presenting the tablet to Damocritus, the soldier noticed a shade inside and crushed it under his foot, revealing the plans for Daedelus' Wings. What a glorious sight it would be to see soldiers taking to the skies and attacking the romans from above.

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