Jordan's Page of Useless Babble

England; October 1671. The world is changing, most people would say for the better. Gunpowder and steam engines have begun to replace ancient superstitions, and the old ways are being forgotten at the promise of a new age of reason. The world, however, is not completely safe and creatures yet lurk in dark corners.

Standing on the shores of progress, a group of heroes find themselves embroiled in a foul plot that threatens to upset the relative peace and plunge the world back to the old, fearful ways of the past. Across the world, vast empires grow and rear their heads, sleepily looking for new lands to devour.

In the village of Lichfield, several strangers arrive, lured by the promise of easy work and good wages. As the night slowly descends upon them, they realize that everything is not as it seems, and it will be up to them to turn the tide of evil that seeps its way across the globe like a malignant cancer.

And they thought they were just going to be rat catchers...

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